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Views vs. Value: Why Indie Authors Should Prioritize the Right Readers Over Viral Views

Cartoon woman buried in a pile of notifications from social media

If you're an indie author who has dipped your toes into book marketing, the word "views" or "impressions" probably makes your head spin. These metrics promise visibility, reach, and – by extension – success. But here's the reality: views don't equal sales. You could have a viral TikTok with 10 million views, but if none of those viewers are interested in your genre or topic, your book sales won't budge.

Ever woken up to a TikTok notification blowing up your phone?  987.4K views on a book snippet you posted last night! Teeming with excitement, you run to your KDP dashboard, checking it incessantly.  For a day or two, downloads tick up.. and then, nothing.  Instead of a windfall, you made enough for an extra latte to fuel another 3 AM writing session as you hunch over your phone, churning out more TikToks, desperately trying to recapture that fleeting virality.

The reality? Those weren't your readers. They were just viewers.

The Seduction of Vanity Metrics for Indie Authors

Views, likes, shares, and follower counts are often called "vanity metrics" because they make us feel good, but they don't always translate to meaningful results. For indie authors on a tight budget, who may rely heavily on social media for visibility, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a post going viral. But it's crucial to remember that the goal of book marketing isn't just to be seen – it's to sell books.

Targeting: Finding Your True Readers

To truly move the needle on your book sales, you need to focus on targeting the right audience. This means understanding who your ideal reader is and where they spend their time online.  Your marketing efforts should speak directly to this ideal reader, using language and references that resonate with them.

Remember, genre and demographic matter. If you're writing young adult (YA) fiction, focusing on Facebook might not be the most effective strategy. While there are adult readers who enjoy YA, your primary target audience is likely to be found on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Here's how to refine your approach:

Know Your Ideal Reader

Create a detailed profile of your ideal reader.

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, interests, and online habits.

  • Reading Preferences: What genres, tropes, and themes do they enjoy?

  • Social Media Usage: Which platforms do they use most frequently?

Choose the Right Platforms

  • Young Adult (YA): Focus on TikTok, Instagram, and possibly Snapchat.

  • Adult Fiction: Consider Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads.

  • Nonfiction: LinkedIn, Twitter, and relevant online communities can be effective.

Craft Compelling Content

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your content to the specific interests and preferences of your target readers. Research popular tropes and themes within your genre and incorporate them into your posts. If your book is a fantasy novel with a strong female lead, highlight those aspects in your marketing materials to attract readers who are drawn to those elements.

  • Strike a Balance: While universal fantasies like forbidden love or epic quests can broaden your reach, don't neglect the niche tropes that resonate with your core audience. If your readers love slow-burn romances or intricate magic systems, make sure your content reflects those elements. A healthy balance will attract a wider audience while still resonating deeply with your ideal reader, leading to more meaningful engagement and higher chances of conversion.

  • Tell a Story, But Don't Overdo It:  Create short videos or engaging captions that hint at your book's plot, characters, or world-building. Leave your audience wanting more.

  • Use Visuals: Eye-catching graphics and videos are essential for capturing attention on social media.

  • Tip:  Use high-quality images and design elements that reflect the genre and mood of your book.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, ask questions, and create a dialogue with your followers. Build relationships with readers and book influencers. Host Q&As, live readings, or even virtual book clubs to foster a sense of community and excitement around your work. Engaging with your audience shows that you value their opinions and helps to create a loyal fanbase.

Track and Analyze

  • TikTok Analytics:

  • Follower Demographics: See the age, gender, and location of your followers to ensure you're reaching the right audience.

  • Content Performance: Track views, likes, comments, and shares for each video. Identify which types of videos perform best and create more of them.

  • Trending Sounds and Hashtags: Use trending sounds and hashtags to increase the discoverability of your videos.

  • Instagram Insights:

  • Reach and Impressions:  Measure how many people see your posts to gauge your overall visibility.

  • Profile Activity: Track website clicks and profile visits to see if your content is driving traffic to your sales page.

  • Content Interactions: See which posts get the most likes, comments, saves, and shares to understand what resonates with your audience.

The Power of A/B Testing: Refining Your Content for Maximum Impact

Don't underestimate the power of experimentation! A/B testing allows you to compare two (or more) versions of your content to see which performs better. This data-driven approach takes the guesswork out of your marketing strategy and helps you make informed decisions.

How to A/B Test for Book Marketing:

Choose a Variable: Decide what you want to test. This could be:

  • Content Format: Short video clip vs. text-based post

  • Visuals: Different book cover designs or character art

  • Captions: Different tones, lengths, or calls to action

  • Point of View: Teasers from different character perspectives

  • Platforms: Posting on TikTok vs. Instagram Reels

Create Variations: Make two (or more) versions of your content, each with a different variation of the element you're testing.

Split Your Audience: Show each version to a different segment of your audience (you can use built-in tools on social media platforms or third-party software).

Measure and Analyze: Track the results for each version, looking at metrics like:

  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares)

  • Reach (views, impressions)

  • Click-through rates (if applicable)

  • Sales (if you're running ads or linking to your book's sales page)

Implement the Winner:  Determine the version that performs best and use it as your go-to approach!

A/B Testing Ideas for Book Marketing:

  • TikTok:

  • Test a short, mysterious teaser video vs. a longer video with more plot details.

  • Compare videos featuring different characters or settings from your book.

  • Experiment with different trending sounds or original music.

  • Try different calls to action (e.g., "Pre-order now!" vs. "Click the link in my bio to learn more").

  • Instagram:

  • Test different image formats (e.g., single image vs. carousel post).

  • Compare different types of captions (e.g., a quote from the book vs. a personal anecdote related to the story).

  • Experiment with different filters or editing styles.

  • Try different hashtags to reach different audiences.

The Power of the Right View

A single view from a BookTok or Bookstagram influencer (big or small!) can be worth more than a thousand views from random users. These influencers have built a loyal following based on their taste and recommendations. If they love your book and share it, their endorsement can lead to a surge in interest, reaching more potential readers who trust their opinion and share similar interests.

Building a Community of True Fans

Instead of chasing views, focus on building a community of readers who are passionate about your work. This can be done through email newsletters, social media groups, or even in-person events. When you foster a community, you're not just attracting readers – you're building lifelong customers who eagerly await your next release.

An active, engaged community also signals to social media algorithms that your content is valuable, boosting your reach and visibility!

The Long Game

Remember, book marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and refining your targeting strategies. By focusing on building genuine connections with the right readers, one view at a time, you'll create long-lasting, sustainable success as an author when it comes to your marketing goals!

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